ABOUT US - Srishti Fertility And IVF Centre in Jaipur

Dr. Mamta Gupta

Dr. Mamta Gupta is a well renowned Gynecologist, Obstetrician and IVF Specialist with an overwhelming experience of over 21+ years. She completed her MBBS and Post Graduation from SMS Medical College, Jaipur (Rajasthan), and further gained experience and expertise in managing high risk pregnancies and complicated surgeries from one of best colleges in India – CMC Vellore (TN) and JIPMER, Pudducherry. Being a keen learner and with a passion to bring new advancements in medical science, she conducted her research work under ICMR, New Delhi.

Because of her interest in Reproductive medicine and surgery, she got further training in Endoscopy and IVF and became a fellow of IBC, LONDON (UK).

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